Re: Auto Transport Companies

Posted by NeedsRestoration On 2017/12/17 11:05:17

RogerDetroit wrote: 250 miles is not a long trip. Maybe you should ask someone in your local Packard club - - - about making a "roadtrip" of it. You might get it done a lot cheaper and have a story to tell.


I couldn't disagree more. Steve has the right idea - given the amount of salt so many "snow-country" highway depts. dump on their roads.

One thing has changed over the years "for the better" - vastly superior corrosion-proofing when the cars were new. Our cars don't have that.

Even with modern corrosion proofing, cars in the snow-belt suffer horrific permanent damage - just not quite as fast. And who cares ? Arent they just throw-away cars anyway. Different situation with our Packards - we may technically "own" them, but aren't we really just "custodians"...especially, if we are as lucky as Steve who says he has a nice one !

Even ONE drive with salt sprayed all over the car is not good. Starts the corrosion process.

Best thing you can do, if you HAVE to drive a car on salted roads, is THOROUGHLY steam clean it - and I mean THOROUGHLY....after EVERY salt-infested drive. But "the cure is worse then that disease".

Well, not exactly - but the fact is, steam cleaning, meaning injecting really hot water under pressure into every part of the underside, is not good either.

Steve has the right idea - only thing wrong about his post is he didn't post us a picture !

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