Re: I Have A Dream....

Posted by IrishPackard On 2009/1/16 12:00:11
The fine example of Irish manhood pictured below would, if he knew nothing at all about vintage cars, qualify as an aforementioned 'Flat Cap'.

Listed below are essential requirements for Flat Capping;

1. Exhibit a total lack of respect for anyone or anything.
2. Be loud.
3. Possess the ability to eat disgusting food and share it when it talks.
4. Have an inability to absorb information.
5. Be steadfast in its beliefs, no matter how wrong.
6. A background in engineering, up to wheelbarrow maintaince level.
7. Strong in-dept knowledge of history, having extensively studied beer bottles labels.
8. A wardrobe containing several greasy flatcaps.
9. Have achieved absolutely nothing in their lives.
10. Be a drain on society.

Thank you all for your messages of support but damm you for no offers!

Pat The Alienator.

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