Re: Posting Images

Posted by Packard Don On 2018/6/15 17:22:55
What I do on my own sites and for what it's worth, rather than limiting the image file size, is to simply resize them automatically during the upload. I would be happy to share the code with you.

As for the HEIF image format, the only "standard" Internet formats are GIF and JPG/JPEG Although PNG is supported by most browsers, it is not a standard and my software can convert a BMP but the HEIF is proprietary. It apparently can be converted during upload using ImageMagik, if it's installed on the server, but I've never tried it to learn how it's done.

Elaborating on Howard's comments, another way to convert the HEIF format is simply text or email it to yourself, then save the received file back to your Images. Your iDevice will convert it on the fly to JPG.

Edit: I was writing this while a passenger in a car so just tweaked it a bit to fix the odd auto-corrects and to finish my thought.

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