Re: New 6V generator to alternator option

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/1/28 16:16:08
Sealed beam headlights started when, about 1940 or so? And they actually draw less current than some of the earlier bulbs, plus the fact that generator outputs were sized accordingly so I don't see that as a reason. And what power-robbing accessories can you add that are in 6 volt that weren't common in the era? Only ones that occur to me are Trippe lights, and the very rare 6 volt A/C for which the Packard 45-amp generator should be more than sufficient..

I agree that finding the right size 6-volt battery can be or will become a problem and I sure don't look forward to it. My 34 Eight takes the ultra large 7210 commercial truck/bus battery and I hope it's available for a long time. Fortunately it's hidden from sight under the seat so I do have alternatives.

But my battery experience is exactly the opposite of yours, my 12 volt batteries, regardless of make rarely make it to the 4th year whereas the 6 volt units routinely make 5 or 6, sometimes even more. Plus the real nice thing about 6 volt batteries is that they give you some warning when they are beginning to fail, 12 volt batteries just seem to be here today and gone tomorrow; start fine this time and kaput the next.

Except for the very early units like Westinghouse and some Owen-Dyneto, new armatures are still easy enough to find, they are constantly on EBay. And chances are you'll never need one or a field coil for that matter, unless you butcher something.

But perhaps for me the biggest reason for me to stick with the generator is authenticity and I know that many of you guys are more into "creating your own thing" than preserving history. No apologies, that's just the way I grew up in the hobby - it's about preservation of features, not re-engineering.

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