Re: Mechanix Illustrated Tests the 52 Packard (New Article)

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/2/11 12:28:13
Yes, that was enjoyable reading. Perhaps we forget how competitive those machines were at the time. But Uncle Tom made a significant error when he stated that vacuum power brakes were new to American cars and long overdue. He was no doubt unaware that many of the prewar seniors had vacuum power brakes, as did some other luxury makes.

A bit off the topic but I've always had a bit of a fascination with the power brake system Pierce Arrow used for a few years, it's derivation was European, perhaps Daimler. It use was with mechanical (cable) brakes. The system used a large disc on the driveline (back of the transmission) with an attached friction disc not entirely unlike a clutch disc. When you applied the brake you essentially brought the two together and the force of the stationary disc trying to rotate was applied to the brake linkage. The neat advantage was the faster you went, the more the boost. I believe the Pierces that use this system can be identified by a brake pedal shaped in the outline of a footprint and very close to the floorboard. Perhaps someone will come along and remind me of the patent holder or inventor of this system, I've long since forgotten. It's a bit of an odd sensation when you drive one of these Pierces because at very low speeds you have almost no power boost and thus need a bit more pedal pressure; then you cruise along and forgetfully apply a similar pressure and damn near impale yourself on the steering column.

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