Re: The Cormorant and Goddess of Speed Article

Posted by Packard53 On 2009/2/12 18:05:30
With doing some quick research this is the information that I came up with on the the PACKARD PELICAN.

During the early 30's Earle Anthony jokingly said to Packard
executives that they had designed a cormorant instead of a PELIGAN. At Packard referring to the PELIGAN as a cormorant
became an in house jest at Packard. By 1938 Packard's advertising department with out management's ok published an accessory catalog for the 17th series offering a cormorant hood ornament for $10.00.

In 1949 Packard VP Milton Tibbetts issued a memorandum to the executive staff noting that the original designers had intended that the bird be a PELICAN and that is what it should be called. By 1953 everyone at Packard had finally agreed that indeed that it was a PELICAN.

So once again we have a nationally published auto writer that doesn't know what he is talking about. I guess Milton Tibbetts was just one of those person who just didn't like Packard's.

The recent article that was posted in here written by Mr. Cooper and the information he put forth, just isn't worth the paper it was written on.

John F. Shireman

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