Posted by HH56 On 2020/4/24 14:08:09
I can't answer your question from experience and had often wondered the same thing but I imagine that the heater elements put a huge strain on the electrical system. Any coils large enough to warm up the car's interior would have had to draw a lot of amps!

It was hot water operated -- from what I can find out it had a core just like a regulator heater located to the side of the evaporator. There was a damper for each section operated by some kind of mechanism located at each end of the box. One damper had to be closed and one opened to direct the air from the floor inlet thru either the heater core or the evaporator and both air flows exited out the top. Doesn't say if both could be open at once or if there could be any mixing of the hot and cold air flows.

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