Re: Water Wetter cooling system enhancer

Posted by Peter Packard On 2020/6/13 19:31:28
Hello all, I have changed all of my vehicles over to water Wetter and where possible have removed most of the anti-freeze. I simply add Water Wetter to the radiators once a year without any draining. It's main benefit in my opinion is the anti corrosion property. Not sure about how much cooler they run as I still have thermostats in place. It appears to be as Tim surmises a super surfactant. I no longer use anti freeze in my older radiators as anti freeze apparently leaches out solder in older radiators. I have been using it for around 5 years and it is excellent. I am using it in 9 Packards, 2 R-R, one Bentley, 2 Nissan Patrols, 5 Rotaries ( 3 Mazda, 1 NSU, 1 Suzuki RE 5). I also use it in my Dozer, Grader, backhoe and tractors. It is not cheap but I believe that it works well for me anyway. It is quite eerie to look down and see all of the clean cores without any dirty water or corrosion product.
Best regards, Peter Toet

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