Packard's Imported to England

Posted by Packard53 On 2007/9/11 17:46:22
Before WWII most Packard imported to England were shipped to England partially or completely knocked down, to avoid paying high English tariffs.

Imported chassis, body panels and partially assembled kits of parts and final assembly were carried out in West London. This was done by the Leonard Williams Packard dealership. The William's dealership was the distributor for Packard for all of England.

During WWII the William's assembly building located on the Great West Road was bombed twice. In the first air raids carried out on London in 1940 a 1000lb fell on the assembly building. Then again in March 1945 a V2 Long Range Rocket fell on the building. The building was completely destroyed
32 people killed 102 injured, and 662 house were destroyed.
After the second bombing King George V and Queen Mary visited the site.

During WWII the William's assembly building was used to assemble marine engines.

John F. Shireman

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