Re: Shoddy Gasket Sets

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/3/3 15:22:24
I've not heard that and thanks for the notice.

I've been pleased with gaskets and sets bought from Kanter Bros, and also BEST GASKETS available from a variety of sources. The modern repro gaskets I try to avoid for the L-head engines are the composition-type exhaust/intake manifold gaskets. While the supply lasts the original metal sandwich style is a bit superior, in my experience.

A bit off the topic but for folks who have had their L-head cylinder heads milled excessively and now face either extreme compression ratios or lack of valve clearance, perhaps you might note that Molina Gaskets on the West Coast can make L-head Packard head gaskets in greater custom thicknesses. Costs aren't cheap, about $350 a pop I believe if they haven't done it before, but cheaper than the alternatives, of which there aren't many and no good ones.

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