Can’t get her started

Posted by Superpacker On 2022/2/23 23:23:44
Hello All,

This is my first post to the forum and I’m in need of some help/suggestions. I have a 1939 Packard super 8 with O/D. Here’s what happened today:

8:00 Am I start my super 8 on the second attempt. The temperature at time of starting was around 10F. I let it warm for about 3 minutes. Let it idle to go back in the house and get my wallet. When I come out I hope in put it in first and begin to roll away but then she dies. Looking back I should have just let it warm longer. I try to get it restarted with no success.

1PM I come home for lunch hoping I can turn it over and get her started but I noticed fuel dripping from the carb. Mind you I just rebuild the carb, tuned and timed everything PERFECTLY. I turn it over a few times no luck. Temp is 18F

9 PM same result, but I did blow out the fuel Jet and open the Butterfly choke hoping I’d get a different result. Nothing.

Spark plugs are dry but a bit black from carbon. I think I’ll replace all 8 for the hell of it. Any ideas on where to look next? Should I replace the spark plugs, let it sit for a couple days, the try to start it when its 60 outside on Sunday?

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