Packard Battery Chargers

Posted by Kevin AZ On 2009/4/6 22:07:09
Just a point of interest here. Over the past weekend I travelled to Columbus, New Mexico (extreme SW corner of NM - 3 miles from the international border), where I visited the town and museums. This is the town in which Fort Furlong and the surrounding community was attacked by Pancho Villa and his murderous lot of soldiers in March of 1916. General "Blackjack" Pershing brought troops from Ft. Bliss (near El Paso Texas) and led an (11) month excursion, which penetrated (500) miles in search of Villa. Villa escaped but the excursion proved helpful for the Army, in that, it began to prepare them for the USA's mobilization & entrance into WWI in Europe.

Anyway, while at the museum, I saw a very small device labeled "Packard Motor Car Company - Detroit". It was found in the rubble and decay of the train station that later became the museum I visited. The device was very small, and it 'looked' like or was shaped like a very small version of those old antique radios that families once listened. The device was green in color and it measured, I estimate 5"h x 3"w x 2"d. When I spoke to the curator, he thought that the Army had brought many Packard trucks to the area during the time the excursion was mounted, but he wssn't sure? Unfortunately, I didn't have a good camera, just my cell telephone. (I retain a lousy pic on the telephone which I'll try and get put onto a computer)

Just curious now, has anyone ever heard of such a small portable charging made by Packard? Also, I did see many pictures of the Army trucks, but being a 55-56 Packard guy, I couldn't determine if any of the truck were of Packard manufacture.

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