Re: Another technology is officially on the way to an end.

Posted by JWL On 2023/5/6 10:53:34

HH56 wrote:
XERF Radio in Cuidad Acuna, Coahuila, Mexico used to blast a claimed 1,000,000 watts at "1570 KC on everybody's radio dial". They pretty much were on everybodys' radio dial, too.

That brings back memories and while I don't remember the call letters, it may be the same station my brother and I sneak listened to in the 50s when we were supposed to be asleep. I remember the station always identified itself as coming to you from Del Rio, Texas. Since the town you mention is right over the border the studio may have been in Del Rio but the transmitter was probably in Mexico so it could get away with the huge power output.

You were right about it being everywhere. We were in a low reception mountainous area in nowheresville, New Mexico. Needed a rooftop antenna on a big console radio to get most out of town stations but Del Rio came in clear as a bell all night long on the cheap internal antenna bedside radio.

XELO? We used to listen to it too as kids in Santa Fe.

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