A great surprise and much thanks!

Posted by BigKev On 2009/4/14 14:56:32
Well today at my office I received a large wooden crated package to my attention. I had no idea what it was. I can honestly say this is the first time ever I have even received a crated item in the mail.

So after looking it over I saw that it came from Howard Hanson. I quickly tried to remember if Howard said he was sending something my way for scanning. Then I suddenly thought to myself...."I'm going to need a bigger scanner!"

So after much strapping tape removed, and a pile of wood screws, and got the crate open, and carefully packed in the inside was a beautiful framed print of all the great post-war Packards. Just wonderful, but now I was really confused. So digging a little deeper in to the crate (think father from A Christmas Story with his major prize) to see if I missed anything to explain this delivery from Howard. All of this with the every growing office crowd piling around.

Then I located a series of envelopes. The first one I opened contained a large card with a picture of a '54 Packard brochure on the cover. Inside the card was a great thank you message to me for all the work I have put into the website on it's 3 year anniversary, and was signed by almost all of the website regular posters and contributors from all over North America, and also Gerd in Germany, as well as good wishes from Ireland, South Africa and other places across the pond. Speechless I was!

So I looked in the other envelopes and I found another card from all the folks in Oz signed at the 2009 PACA National Rally, and a great picture book complication of all the various cars that attended the rally.

Finally one more envelope with a personal thank you letter from John Lawrence, and a wonderful original '54 Sales Brochure that has a great picture of my car in it.

I would like to thank you all that contributed to this, and all of the users on the website that have contributed to how great this website was become. The website is really a grass-roots community effort and shows what can be done when people from all over the world come together to support a common interest. It really means a lot to me that you all contributed to this and managed to pull it off without me getting wind of it! I can just imaging the mailing route that this card must hard taken across North America and to Gerd in Germany. And also the efforts of our friends from Oz and our head Registry keeper for getting everyone to sign the card at the PACA run. Also John for the nice letter, and the wonderful brochure (was that from your Father's dealership?). Also Howard for sending the wonderful finished item to me. The print and other items are just wonderful and they will be enjoyed for many years in my home. I truely thank you all. For those that didnt get to see what everything looked like in its finished state, I was able to scan all the cards and items here in the office. When I get home I will take a picture of the print.

Here are all the scanned items:

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