What's your poison?

Posted by T&J's 1956 On 2009/4/19 20:29:22
This is not to become some sort of moral self righteous thread... Just some friendly banter amongst us Al-Coholics...

8:30 AM- Listorine (swallowed; no spitting)

9:00 AM Bud Light (helps quell the shakes)

10:00 AM liquor store opens...

10:01 AM Huge swig of Vodka...(odorless?)

11:32 AM Local pub for liquid brunch.

12:01 I have no idea what's happening!

Just kidding. I enjoy a "Neat" glass of Bullet Bourbon after I wake up. Ok, in the evening. We all have some vice. No need to discuss the things that will pique the Patriot Act!

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