Re: Water Injection Kits

Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2024/2/26 17:04:31
If it gets below 32F where you live, you may want to reconsider permanent installation.

Anytime one introduces water into combustion it lowers the combustion temperature by making steam which partially offsets the loss of exhaust gas thermal expansion to produce power.
It's an old proven heat balance concept for burning higher BTU fuels so the temperature isn't as hot. We used it to reduce NOx in our HW incinerator. Diesels now come with DEF injection, which is basically the same principle for NOx reduction, only they add urea to prevent the water from freezing.

I saw Biden EPA is going to try to approve E15 year round, which they were doing on the sly in summer/low fuel supply periods and not telling. FI vehicles don't experience the issues of ETOH fuels with carbs. Some FI vehicles can't use E15, so check around if it changes where you buy gas this year. The corn farmers are happy, but the environment suffers a tad, so pure poly-tics. Right now there's some refining outages driving gas prices, but crude supply is up, so prices should come down later. I don't expect them to be where we like them, crude is still above $80.

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