Re: Authenticity vs. Modification

Posted by LINC400 On 2009/4/22 19:30:14

AL wrote:

"As far as nasty club members, I have encountered that myself. I asked a couple of questions on another forum about a Packard I was considering buying last year. When I wasn't getting any responses, I mentioned that I had a time deadline that I had to go back to the owner with an answer. I got some very helpful replies, and a couple of really nasty ones about who did I think I was demanding info. They just continued to be jerks badmouthing me even after I tried explaining my situation. I bought a Lincoln instead. No problems on the Lincoln Forum. I passed on the Packard because I thought it was a black hole for cash. But it makes me wonder how many other people these jerks turned off from buying a Packard. I know I'm glad I have the Lincoln forum to go to for help instead of dealing with those jerks. Now from this site, I have seen some very helpful and friendly people. But unfortunately the negative experiences are remembered more vividly by people."

I hesitated jumping into this firestorm, but this one comment has been gnawing on me since I read it. Linc400, if this one event caused you to not buy a car that you wanted, then may I suggest you get a thicker skin or something that will help you make better decisions. It would be a cold day in hell if a couple of twits with a caustic mouth prevented me from buying a car that I wanted. I to have run into these kinds of jerks, and you have to feel sorry for them, but to let them run your decision making processes does not speak well for you. Buy what YOU want because you want it, not because some self opinionated twit struck a raw nerve with you. Now I know someone will call me on MY caustic opinion, but then I am not trying to convince to buy one car or another. JMHO.

I did not buy that particular Packard because I determined that it would be a sinkhole for cash. If it was a car that I thought was a great car and great deal, and I really wanted it, no idiot on a forum would scare me away from it. Especially when they have no useful comments to make. However, how enticing is it to know that these are the people that will be responding when you have questions to ask about it after you have bought it? Especially if it is a car that you know nothing about. And this would be the case with most young people if they ever looked at a Packard. In my case, I really like and wanted a Packard. In some cases, it might just be a car that they have seen for sale somewhere that they thought was interesting. It wouldn't take too many nasty responses to kill that interest and have them looking at a Chevy or Ford where they felt a lot better about asking questions and showing their car. In my case, I was looking for a specific Packard, Imperial, or Lincoln. I have a decent amount of info on Packards. However, the questions I had about that Packard were not covered in any of my books, nor did I find any answers online. The Lincoln is what showed up first. While I would like to get a Packard someday, the cash has been already spent on, and the garage space taken by the Lincoln. And while it is not the most perfect forum, it is nice to know that I can ask questions on the Lincoln forum without having anyone there feel the need to reprimand people or put them in their place.

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