Re: Authenticity vs. Modification

Posted by portlandon On 2009/4/22 21:52:45
Linc400 said:Quote:
And while it is not the most perfect forum, it is nice to know that I can ask questions on the Lincoln forum without having anyone there feel the need to reprimand people or put them in their place. If he was browbeaten and reprimanded and called names, it is a lot less likely that he would want to look at another Lincoln and come back to the forum.

Re: Authenticity vs. Modification

Give it time. I think you give your Lincoln friends too much credit. Every group wether your dealing with cars, planes, or my friends rock collection they have their hierarchy and their squabbles & fights. You want to know why there are so many forums on Lincolns? Because somebody got ticked off on one forum and went out and started their own.

I happen to like Lincolns. What year & body style Lincoln do you have?

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