Re: New Forum Feature

Posted by BigKev On 2024/4/10 15:21:33
I added the ability to create bookmarks for posts you want to revisit quickly. Even on my own Project Blogs, it can be tedious to go back and find something. So, this lets you create bookmarks for any specific posts in a thread.

You should now see a Bookmark Icon on every post here:

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If you click it, it will pop up an Add Bookmark Window:

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By default, it will use the title and post number for the description. But you can change it to something more meaningful to you when you go back and look at it later:

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To access your list of saved bookmarks, click the Bookmark List icon available at the top of the Forum screen:

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This shows all your saved bookmarks. Clicking on any bookmark link will take you directly to that post. You can also use the little red trashcan icon to delete any bookmarks you don't want anymore:

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Let me know how it works for you.

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