Hub Cap Popper

Posted by Bob J On 2024/5/8 11:06:44
It seems most things I do on the car require wheel removal. Add to that that this requires hub cap removal. After too many times using hard tools to pop the hub caps and leaving marks on the rims that needed to be repaired I made the tool below in about 10 minutes tops. Works sweet and no more marks. I had a chunk of nylon on hand, but you could use any soft material that does not chip or scratch. Dowel size too is completely open to materials you have on hand, the image is just fuel for your own imaginations. I lay a piece of material on the concrete floor too in case the hub cap gets away from me and that gives it a soft landing. Plating these things was expensive, no need to mark them up unnecessarily!

Bob J.

Attach file:

jpg  Hub Cap Popper-diagram.jpg (104.29 KB)
225215_663ba31184d52.jpg 777X588 px

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