Re: missing ignition switch?

Posted by HH56 On 2024/6/30 14:50:20
I am thinking the wires were originally going to the coil and maybe were disconnected when they did whatever to make it run without an ign sw. . Someone has replaced one of the coil wires with a light colored wire and the other disconnected wire may be part of the OD kickdown circuit. If the lighter wires is a battery feed, with a normal Packard positive ground battery connection it is on the incorrect terminal. So much grease and in such poor condition it is hard to see where they go -- but I would not use them in that condition anyway. You do have the Electromatic Clutch option which unlike so many found today still looks to have all parts present. You have an R11 OD so a later production 22nd series. The reverse light switch is present and appears to be wired.

I would definitely be doing something with the wiring before hooking up a battery. Those wires on the generator also look to be a short waiting to happen as does a few others.

If you have not downloaded it already there is a 22nd series wiring diagram in the literature archive. That one shows the R9 OD used in early production 22nd series so you will need to look at the 23rd series diagram for the correct R11 OD and EC option applicable to your car. To see if the theory of the disconnected wires originally going to the coil is correct, you could try using an ohmmeter and see if one of the disconnected wires ends near where the ign switch would be. The other would be going to one terminal of the kickdown switch which is a plunger type switch positioned low on the firewall near the starter motor and operated by the accelerator pedal linkage pushing the plunger at one end of the switch. Kickdow sw is not to be confused with the accelerator switch that is a sort of rotary lever actuated switch also operated by the accelerator linkage but is part of the EC option and is located higher on the firewall.

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