Re: I see a bad moon risin'

Posted by Rusty O\'Toole On 2009/6/3 21:52:24
I assume it was legal for a foreigner to own property in the Confederacy.

To this day the US government owns property all over the world including Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba ( they lease that one).

State buildings and land would belong to the state, whether the state was part of the Confederacy or the Union. But buildings built by the Union, on land bought or leased, would continue to belong to the Union.

I assume in fairness the Confederacy should not have seized such property without permission or compensation.

There must have been post offices and other buildings belonging to the Union that would have been no use to them after the south seceded. It would have made sense to offer them to the Confederate government, and if there were any they didn't want, to sell them to the highest bidder.

It would have taken several years to work out the details. That is what I meant in my initial statement.

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