Re: Happy 21st - Mathew Rattray

Posted by Mathew Rattray On 2009/6/30 21:42:29
Hi All,

Thank you to everyone for their kind birthdaty wishes. I had a great day, both Russell James and my mechanic Geoff Wheeler ended up coming to Hill End to celebrate my birthday with me. We had a great dinner with about 30 people. My father made a birthday cake in the shape of a 55 Caribbesn (I'll have to post a picture of that) After the celebrations we spent the rest of the night sitting around the bar chatting and just having a good time. We finished off the night by doing an end of the financial year stock take and didn't get to bed until 2am and then up again by 8 for breakfast. After breakfast we went to the Hill End Mill and showed both Geoff & Russell around the mill. There are about 50+ old cars which have been sitting out in the weather for years and years.

It was a great night and I had a fantastic time.


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