Re: 12 Volt Relays in a 6 Volt System

Posted by Rusty O\'Toole On 2009/8/4 9:39:21
Anymore when I run into a jackpot like that I sigh, bite the bullet and fix it properly.

If I don't, I know I will be trying to solve problems for as long as I own the car. Problem after problem like what you are up against now.

To put it bluntly, the best thing to do is to put the car back to stock. If you can sort out the wiring great. If it is too far gone you will have to buy a wiring harness and rewire the car.

I refuse to strain my brain trying to make something work after it was hodge podged by some ignorant boob.

For the same reason that it's easier to walk along the sidewalk than to walk a tightrope blindfolded while juggling grenades.

Get a wiring diagram and sort it out one wire at a time. For example trace the wires to the right headlight and make them the same as the diagram. Then the left headlight. Then the headlight switch. Go through the whole thing one wire and one system at a time.

This may take a couple of days. Once you are done, you will be able to diagnose the problem that caused the original fool to bugger up the wiring. That problem, any sensible person should be able to solve in 10 minutes.

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