Re: Notes left on cars

Posted by PackardV8 On 2009/8/18 21:57:35
"Most of these people, like Eric said, are only interested if they think they can get it cheap. If you even sound like you know what you're talking about they usually leave."

THis is especialy true of cars that are just real nice original drivers. They think the owner just recently and unwittingly acquired it some way.

On the other hand, i'm often asked "what'll ya take for it?" or "what's it worth?". I've found it best to down play the value as much as possible and site the usual problems (oil pumps, it's a sedan, etc.). Never know when one of those asking just so happens to (unwittingly) have one setting back somewhere and just mite offer it to u for sale.

Usualy the "wanna sell it" crowd are just redneck horse trader wanna-be's. Even if u offered it to them at 1/2 price their wife probably wouldn't let them buy it.

It takes a real man to deal with a Packard owner. And if he can't keep his women in the kitchen and in the nursery then he has no calling to own a Packard.

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