Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2009/8/19 23:18:06
Neat info, JW.

Speaking of branding, notice the fine print on the poster for the red "Downunder" rod. It lists a 702 ci GMC "Twin Six"--also note someone penciled in "V12" for those uninitiated in the original Twin Six. I wonder if that brand was ever used in conjunction with other V12 engines, or if the Aussies are just exercising some poetic license.

Packard53--still, pretty close to on-topic with V12 Hot Rods. It is an interesting niche. If opened up to postwar land speed record "rods" I believe there would be several powered by V12 engines. I think Allisons were favored on the salt flats, (also the engine of choice for the P-38, to keep up the aircraft end of the conversation).

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