Re: New to Packard (55 Clipper Super) plz help

Posted by Mke On 2009/8/20 23:20:13
I'm not sure if I'm listing this in the right place or not. If not plz let me know where I should list these types of question.

First off I want to share how much I love this car already. Not to mention how many other people do too. With in five minutes of bring it home there was a neighbor that had to come over and take a picture of it and told me all about how there dad used to own one. I took it to the store down the block, after I fix the over heating issue (turns out that not only was the timing WAY off (16 deg instead of the 6 deg it should be) it had a bad thermostat too. I still cant go to far or fast for that matter, since there's some bake issues that still needs work) and as I was trying to leave I was stoped four time with questions of who made the clipper and how much the loved the lines.

Okay to the issue at hand. I have read a lot of the posts for the power brakes in these old Packards and I understand that some people do not like the single cylinder that they have. Although, I would like to keep this car as original as I can, I accept the fact that when it comes to this particular issue it might be best to customize. I would however like to give the old system one last chance to prove itself.

I've had MC go bad before in the past on my '65 plymouth which gave me the same result. Although bleeding the system might have help a little bit (very little) it seem the pressure bleeds away when steeping on the breaks. It doesn't happen all the time and some times I about crap my pants when pumping them barely works. Needless to say it will sit till I can fix this issue.

With that said, I'm not sure if the problem is in the power booster or in the hydraulics; I'm thinking it's the latter of the two. I plan on trying to find a place where I can get the parts to rebuild the MC but, I would like to have a back up plane just in case. If I have to mod I would like to make it as unnoticeable as possible. So I'm wondering has anyone found a good mod (with picture plz)that would fit in the original place with no need to cut.

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