Re: Packard in Southern Africa

Posted by sanford mitchell On 2009/8/26 21:12:16
it is an interesting fact regarding Packards and other American makes of cars especially in the 20's and 30's
The Afrikaner(Dutch) still had vivid memories of the Anglo Boer war in 1900's. Many would rather have been dead as opposed to being seen driving an English made car at the time. So many of them opted to drive cars other than English. The well to do Afrikaaner would perhaps drive Buick or Chrysler, Hudsons and Studebakers in additon to the Fords and Chevs. Plus they were more durable and reliable given the road conditions at the time. An Afrikaner of well to do means would opt to drive a Packard or Cadillac but never a Rolls or a Bentley or other Bristish car for that matter.

below another of my buds with his recently restored RHD 902 limo owned by an Afrikaaner farmer who bought it new in 1932 and drove it mainly just around the farm.

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