Re: Engine Temp?

Posted by PackardV8 On 2009/8/27 21:22:35
My 56 Executive runs as hot as 230 degess F. BUT only gets that hot during 95 F ambient and only while setting and idleing for long periods of time or very slow parking lot manuvering.
As soon as the car gains some sustained speed of say 15 to 20 mph the temp drops. Sustained speeds in the range of 25 to 60 mph the engine temp stays at about 185 F. Speeds of 70-85 it will reach closer to the 200 mark.

If ambient is under 80 f then the sustained higher speeds will only produce about 180F at the highest. Maybe 210 at long idle periods.

In cooler weather of say 50 F and under the temp gauge will rarely reach 190 F regardless of operation.

I'm using a 160 F T'stat. SunPro 2-5/8 dia dial face, bourdon tube type gauge mounted in place of the clock.

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