Re: VIN information
Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/9/11 15:32:53
Starting in 1941 and thru 1954 Packard contracted their body building to Briggs who also built bodies for Chrysler. As Briggs built these bodies they applied their tag with the body type number (for example 2672) and their production sequence number, for example 4967. But the bodies were not necessarily assembled into finished cars in the same sequence as Briggs built them so it's not uncommon for the Briggs number to not match the VN, though they are almost always within 25 or so numbers during the 22nd-23rd series run EXCEPT in the cases where a left-over 1948 car was renumbered with a -9- in the VN to make it a 1949 model. Ditto again for left-over 1949 23rd series cars to make them a 1950 model by inserting a -5- into the VN. But the Briggs tags were left unchanged in these cases so the differences between the VN and the Briggs# can often be a clue to a factory-renumbered leftover.
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