Re: 50th anniversary Test Crash. '59 Chev vs. '09 Chev

Posted by Predictor On 2009/9/18 21:40:20
Interesting how the Pinto/Vega/Gremlins all took a severe nose dive which aligned their respective driver's (dummy's) heads with the front end of the car they struck...ouch. Even the Geo Storm's "driver" didn't fare so well, although there was an air bag, the head went sideways out the window (if it had been closed then it would've surely struck the glass). Hyper-extension of the neck would be the minimal injury there, with a very real chance of a concussion too.

At least the Pinto didn't get rear ended...

Who recalls GM's early airbags of the '74-'75 era? Those cars were equipped only with lap belts, no should belts! If memory serves, the front seat was non-adjustable (at least the fore and aft movement) but the pedals were!

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