Re: Happy Veterans Day

Posted by Dave Kenney On 2009/11/13 16:16:46
Don & scottie, Points well taken and note photo posted by me removed. Note also that in my original post I was well aware that this thread was to honour American Veterans and I made mention that the US vets are honoured here in Canada also when we honour our veterans on Remembrance Day . That was my point! In fact 25 veterans from the VFW post in Superior Ws. and the mayor of that city came, as some have come for 25 years, to our Remembrance Service and they come because "We see a bigger public turn out and we receive more respect here than in the USA." Those are their words not mine. On cold and often snowy weather over 4000 people from our small city stand and cheer YOUR vets each year when YOUR VETERANS march past with the Star and Stripes,VFW and POW-MIA flags and I do mean CHEER. You would be proud to see the adulation they receive.
I always make a point of treating one WW2 vet to all the drinks at the bar he wants at our Legion branch dinner during which we also offer a toast to your President and I am honoured to do so. Obviously some of you were offended by my posting about a German general and I apologize for that. My grandfather, father and uncles all combat veterans, as noted previously, had a sort of grudging respect for their German counterparts (although not the Nazi political leaders) as warriors often do although my Dutch mother-in law will never forgive them for the atrocities committed against the Jews and citizens of the Netherlands. My intention was not to revere Manstein but only enter the discussion and to offer a reasoned and objective rebuttal to the comments glorifying Patton based upon my study of military history spanning over 50 years. This discussion does belong on a WW2 Forum so lets please move along and discuss Packards.

"Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori"

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