Re: I Have A Dream....

Posted by Steve On 2009/11/20 3:22:05
I took some time to read, Pats story, I like what you wright and could not agree whit you more.
I have been on some car shows on one occasion whit my own car.
And I got to say, that no matter where in the world you
still have to deal whit moronic people.
Some examples:
I had one of my Soviet car on a local car show and there
were a lot of questions like: Nice demo-derby ride, i take it for like 100$ ya, ore my favorite I trad this rust-bucket for like a Ford Sierra. And then there are still people who constantly ask this; How much fuel dose it take, my diesel Toyota takes like 5 l/per 100km ya.
OK so people don't like Ruskys cars, but same kind of ore even worse comments pop-up when you have a american car.
Im hardly suprised by this, if old cars no matter of there origin considered here for some people cheap redneck demo-derby rides then I just don't know what to say.
So It is not that better in here to as you see I think even
worse the in the US.

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