Re: I Have A Dream....

Posted by scottie On 2009/11/20 10:56:03
Hi Pat! I hope that I didn't wake anyone else in the house this morning reading your post! I was laughing so hard it was difficult to contain myself. I believe the main reason why your story didn't get published is because you're dealing with people of little minds. I don't know who coined the phrase "truth hurts", but I believe its applicable here. I've had many of the same experiences here in the States (even though I've only owned my Packard since late August of this year!). Here we wouldn't term them as "flat hats" (being of Irish decent myself I actually knew what that meant), we would call them "ball caps". You know the type, the hat passed up its 5,000 mile oil change 20,000 miles ago, wife with an overabundance of land crammed into clothes two sizes too small (and don't forget the seventy-five dollar nails), and a whole troop of crumb-snatchers that could pass for a picture out of National Geographic. I recently stumbled on a means of distraction that seems to work wonders. I put a bowl of assorted candy on the ground in front of my car and that seems to do the trick. These type of cretins will just fall all over themselves (and each other) to get something that is "free". Its worth the eight bucks I spend, not only keeping my vehicle intact but also for humor as well. "Billy, don't take it all" while the parents stuff handfulls in their pocket seems to occur often! If I had the wherewithall, I'd send you tickets in a heartbeat. I have to sell my Packard to a friend just so the ex doesn't get her. Ain't divorce fun??!!

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