Re: Of Mice and Men

Posted by PackardV8 On 2009/12/5 11:06:36
Good point about the 'shared platform' trend of the industry at the time. But, as u say, it was carried too far and definately for too long.

TO a great extent, the shared platform was the same problem that dilluted Packards image ala 110 vs 160 and 180's and even the 55-56 Clipper vs Sr's.

The upshot of marketing an automobile is much like that of clothes and cosmetics. It is the buying public's attitude toward the car.

AN ATTITUDE THAT IS THE RESULT OF PROMOTION and NOT public intellect. The Big 3 along with other closely related entities decided to use scare tactics instead of socio/psycho/sexual tactics that had promoted the automoibile from prewar 6 cylinder runabouts to the HP revolution of the early to mid 50's just after WWII.

This promotion tactic problem over the last 20 -30 years is what happens when bean counters and sales/social gimmicks run rampant.

The public viewpoint of the automobile is now a on a par with a laundry appliance rather than that of adventure, prestige or desire or intrigue.

Who do u really want America to see using your product??? Some 200 pound socker mom shuttleing back and forth to work while she roars at the gas pump like Helen Reddy???? OR someone like CHristy Brinkly on a vacation adventure?????

SOMEWHERE in the product line up there has to be at least one REAL flagship model. That DOES NOT MEAN K cars disguised as New Yorkers or Chevy cavaliers disguised as Cadillac to point out 2 extremely STUPID tactics that only a group of pin heads could think they can get away with.

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