Re: Garage comfort vs work accomplished

Posted by ScottG On 2009/12/10 23:49:54
HH56 wrote: Like I said, below 50 is hibernate and forget trying to do anything having to wear a parka.

Are you serious? I'm still working in shirt sleeves in that kind of weather. Here in Cleveland, we just sailed through a relatively warm November (40s-50s F) which allowed me to finish siding my (very small) garage addition. And I was sweating!

That said, here we don't see the sun for three-quarters of the year, snow falls from October through May, and our pro sports teams all stink. Of course, we don't have to worry about killer insects or too much in the way of angry wildlife.

As for working in the garage, I do slow down in the winter as I have only a floating slab foundation under my 14'x20'garage. Once the ground freezes in January that slab is like an iceberg that my trusty little Mr. Heater just can't thaw.

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