Re: Of Mice and Men

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/12/11 11:14:29
Well-said, Firedome, and much more on-target. We tend to forget that back in the era of our Packards, it was once-a-month to the garage for a chassis grease job and oil change, once a year for plugs/points, repacking wheel bearings at 15 or 20,000 miles, etc. Today you can easily drive a modern car for 75,000 with nothing more than the occasional oil change. Back in the "good old days" engine life was pretty much about 100,000 miles and you may have had a valve job or two before that, today 200,000 or more miles can be easily achieved even without special care.

Though in many ways cars of the older era had more individual character and a sort of inherent quality that we may find missing in today's cars, they were in comparison "high maintenance" cars and I certainly can't call today's cars a "pile of crap".

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