Re: Hugh Ferry: Packard's most underrated president?

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2010/1/16 0:12:00
Romney succesfully merged Nash and Hudson and kept that ship afloat, and for a while, into the early 60s made some very good product decisions. If he feels like it, Packards1 may tell his story of meeting Romney at an event for Air Guard personnel. Marv King talked to Romeny at a Republican Party event and brought up Studebaker-Packard and the reticence to get into business with same, IIRC It was just about money at that point, and S-P was going through too much of it a month for Romney and the reciprical businees they were doing was a bad indicator of things to come. I tend to think that Romney was a great auto executive, AMC did well until he left to into politics.

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