Re: The Packard Firsts List

Posted by BH On 2010/2/28 17:00:57

I only picked up on Owen's comment on the subject of firsts in the revival thread to provide a little heads-up on the course that some past discussions took and why they went that way. I'd rather history not keep repeating itself.

While I admittedly got some feeling of pride from the first time I read PMCC's list, decades ago, such things don't alter my interest in any brand. I also have no interest in participating in a debate on that.

IMHO, it's up to websites who posts such lists to take care of them. If there's to be any heat for misrepresenting any points, it should be taken up with them directly.

If a "new and improved" list is desired, I had hoped it would have been done privately and academically. However, I'm not saying that questions regarding the finer points can't be discussed openly, here. I just don't wanna see things turn into another "cage match".

Meanwhile, I see Frank has started a new thread on:

Packard Firsts

...with a single point on Packard's "Fuelizer". When it comes to any additional points or counterpoints, I strongly suggest that participants present their "case" objectivley and cite their supporting source(s).

If the discussion remains civil, perhaps some good can come of it.

That's just my $0.02 on the matter.

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