Wedding Stories

Posted by Craig Hendrickson On 2010/3/25 20:49:14
Last week I was at my local bank having driven my 55 Pat. While walking up to the door I was approached by a 20-something young lady who turned out to be the maid-of-honor for her friend, a bride. She inquired if I ever "rented" my 55 Pat out for weddings. Initially, I said no, but she persisted. Long story short, we struck a deal. Later the bride called back saying that one of her friends had offered two cars: one pink and the other yellow. The bride had no idea what a Packard was or what brand her friend's car was, but pink went with her dress, so that was the end of that. My Packard was in the garage that day.

I'm sure others have some wedding stories involving their Packards.


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