Re: Pertronix in 6v cars

Posted by PackardV8 On 2010/3/31 8:45:29
I'm not a see-all e-ignition expert. Claims from a few well seasoned automotive men i know have indicated that some piece or part of the e-ignition components require a minimum of 5.2v to work. Also the e-ignition for any type of performance enhancement is a moot point on engines under 8:1 compression.

Of course it begs the question as to why are there not e-ignition components redesigned to trigger at say 2.2 volts for 6v applicatations???? I don't know the answer to that one yet.

e-ignition is not somekind of great modern technological break thru. It is based on something called the Hall effect that was discovered ca. 1900.

Much of the so-called 'modern' technology and aftermarket gadgets and gizmos are mostly just gimmicks relative to economy and performance enhancement. HRM hype at best.

Other than materials and a few manufacturing processes even the modern automobile is little more than just a lite weight compacted version of cars that stemmed out the HP reveloution of 1955.

Or to put it another way:

When it gets to where one can not reach down and turn a window crank or file a set of points then it's probably time to give up driving and take a taxi.

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