Re: How many Caribbeans are left?

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/5/26 8:45:14
You can arrive at an estimate of the # of remaining Caribbean convertibles by starting with those known to exist in hands of members of the two major national Packard Clubs. This of course does not account for those belonging to folks who don't belong to either club, or those yet to be "discovered", so make your own correction factor for that. Last time I bothered to do the sums of those known to exist was several years ago and just for the convertibles and just short of 18% of them were accounted for: 1953 = 81, 1954 = 63, 1955 = 95, 1956 = 90. I know that several more have surfaced since that time. The highest percentage of survivors is 1956 when the fewest (convertibles) were produced.

Mike Grimes has made a more recent and quite elaborate survey of 55/56 Caribs and may have more current data. Also PAC's roster keeper for the Caribbeans may have newer data.

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