Re: What Year & Model?

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/6/1 7:20:57
Chrysler released a publicity picture of a sedan with an elephant on the roof, in the early 30s. Guscha?

Was that part of the campaign to demonstrate the strength of the new Airflow bodies? The part of that campaign that I recall was the Airflow being rolled (and rolled and rolled) down a hill, and then at the bottom someone gets in and drives it away. What phenomenally well-engineered cars those Airflows were, and was gorgeous interiors!! Only ever seen one Custom Imperial Airflow, the first production US car to have a curved windshield (if you can call the Custom Imperial a "production" car with just a small handful built), as luxurious as any 1930s car, bar none. I've often wished I had owned an Airflow.

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