Re: Packard show Gettyburg

Posted by patgreen On 2010/7/23 15:27:41
"Have these dates been decided upon yet?"

Don't know if the dates are finalized.... But I was told July 11-16 for Galena, at the Eagle Ridge resort just east of Galena.

If you have never been to Galena, it is about three hours west of Chicago and is perhaps most famous as the Home of General U.S. Grant, whose home is a national historical landmark. During the late unpleasantness, Galena was riddled with lead mines and was a key source of lead.

Today it is a fairly sleepy resort town with many nice shops, very few of which deal in T-shirts and Taffy.... Lots of B&Bs, a number of good and better restaurants. Nice place to spend a quiet week or weekend: lots of opportunities for interesting tours to outlying micro breweries, regional oddities and historical sites.

Dubuque is about 15 miles west on the Mississippi, with a dubious casino and whatever else is in Dubuque. Field of Dreams is nearby as well as Ertl toys...

I urge you to stay at Eagle Ridge, which will have special rates for the meet. If you go with comfortable friends, renting a house (the property has many, many options; not just rooms) may be a better option because you can cook and save on meals. I was just there a month ago: the property is enormous and lovely, very well maintained and separated from the populace, which helps with security. Really good golf courses for those so inclined: tennis, horses, pools, and a nifty waterfall.

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