Re: Car & Parts Out of Business

Posted by patgreen On 2010/9/3 22:48:20
"I'm proud to say that I have NEVER paid one red cent for any sort of subscription to ANY online publication - and hope I NEVER do."

I don't get this attitude. Where would you be without this site (which you apparently never give any money to....)? Do you see no obligation to support this site? Kevin is far too nice to call you out on this, but I'm not nearly as nice and I am calling you out here. I have never seen a printed publication that came anywhere near what this site offers.

Thanks to the community that uses this site and the material that has been sought out and shared here, accuracy is pretty darned good.

Even a web publication has costs and consumes time for the operator. I see it as our responsibility to do what we can to help here.

Sorry for the rant, but I find comments like the quote above offensive in a variety of ways on a number of levels.

This isn't about being pro or con the web and the various cultural changes it has brought us, it's about common sense and usefulness.

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