Should I replace my brake lines...again?

Posted by Charles On 2010/9/7 13:10:11
When I first got my car, I had to have the brake lines replaced because one broke. Given the following situation, do I need to replace them again or can I just change the fluid and visually check the system for issues?

Brake lines were replaced 16 years ago and DOT 3 fluid was used.

Since that time, I might have 300 miles total on them. Car has sat for at least 10 years, having been moved back and forth from it's resting spot occasionally.

I have a feeling the consensus will be to error on the side of caution and replace them again, but maybe I am underestimating the straight of these '66 Cadillac still has it's original lines and I have never changed the fluid. It still stops well with no issues (yet).

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