Re: Recent additions to the Owner Registry

Posted by BigKev On 2010/10/14 12:24:55
You are both right. The problem occurred when migrating the data to the new server because of the quotes that were contained within the entires. The database migration moved everything out to comma delimited files that wrapped all the field in quotes. The internal quotes in a field caused the entires to become truncated. The problem is fixed now going forward, but die had already been cast on the older pre-server move entires.

I guess we need a Model Info Page Czar to help manage the changes and edits coming in from people as the problems are discovered. Much like Mal is the Registry Czar.

My long term vision was that eventually we could have folks that would help me to manage specific portions of the website or I end up being Jack or all trades, master of none.

Brian has really spearheaded a lot with the 55-58 Model Info pages, all the Service Index Pages, and the BookShelf Page, and Mal with his continued stewardship of the Registry. I just need a hand from some detail oriented Pre-War folks on the Model Info pages to get them in tip-top shape. Even if your specially is one year (aka 1940), then you can help to bring that year's entries up to snuff. This includes fact checking the info, verify the pictures are correct, and trying to locate missing pics.

I guess we can create a thread for this, and people could posts questions, problems, and edits they find with the Model Info pages, and then we can discuss and figure out the straight facts and made the edits from there. Just thinking out loud here.

Also at some point I would love to expand the Model Info pages to include the early Packard Trucks, and later Henney products to make it really a complete reference.

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