Content and Posts

Posted by BigKev On 2010/11/26 2:12:40

Sadly I have to take care of this business on a holiday:

Just to set the record straight, if you contribute content (Pictures, Articles, Forum Content, etc) it becomes part of the public record/archive here. There are times where I may delete a post if I think it is inappropriate. But otherwise, once it is on here, it is like a diamond. Forever.

I would think most people are aware that once you post something in a public forum, it is indeed public and part of the greater internet record.

The reason I brought this up as I have been asked by folks that are no longer part of the website to purge all their contributions in a childish attempt to punish me/website/membership and take all their marbles with them. I will not do this. It creates holes and discord in the public record. When a member left previously, he manually went thought and cleared out all his content himself, that was done under his own hand. I have since made changes to the website to prevent this from happening going forward immediately after that happened.

Please be aware once you have "donated" something to a public forum in any form (picture, discussion, etc) , you have given it to the public record, and it belongs to the public record.

I am sure the majority of you are aware of this, but I felt I had to reiterate the obvious to some that may not be aware.

Regards and Happy Holidays.

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