Re: 1936 120B Water Pump Removal HELP!!!!!

Posted by BigKev On 2010/11/27 17:25:10
Ok. This will be the final word on this. No more of the who said what, or who got their ego's bruised crap. If I wanted to break up school yard fights, I would have got a job as a proctor at the local elementary school.

There is an art to helping people and providing "gentle" constructive correction where need be, coming in both fists swinging is just going to turn the conversation hostile. Also continually stirring the pot to seem what drama shakes out has no place here either. This applies to everyone regardless of length of membership or status in the community.

Packards were built for Gentlemen, by Gentlemen. So I expect everyone to act like Gentlemen. If not, said people will have there posts moderated (where I have to approve every post they make) or be removed. Habitual offenders will be asked to find a new playground.

I've tried to be a pretty open moderator, and let the conversations shake out as they may, but now it's an everyday occurrence of crap that I am having to deal with. I would rather shutter the website, than have to wade through all this drama everyday.

So lets get back to talking about Packards, without all the snide comments and backbiting. If you can't control yourself, then please don't post. If you have a beef with someone, then take it up in an email or PM with that person. The forums here are not the playground for that.

John H sorry to interrupt your thread, but I could see where it was already getting corrupted.

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