Re: Packard Cache & University Motors, Lawrence, Kansas

Posted by Jeff On 2010/12/3 15:20:15
I am curious about this meeting and its results, if it has taken place yet. I am in the "Kansas City Packard Club" aka Mid-America Packards. I'm not sure who the contact was (mentioned in the first post of the thread), but I would say no one has tried very hard to contact MAP, unless it is the nice gentleman that did talk to us, and met with us. (If you are reading this, my hat is off to you for the efforts) All of us are interested in the disposition of the cars and parts, whatever may be there. But it was unclear (to me) just who owns what, and who has the right to dispose of the property. It sounded to me like there was still a family dispute over how to handle it, and until that is resolved, I didn't see any way to proceed.

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